Can You Use Eyelash Growth Serum After Eyelash Extensions?

Peut-on Utiliser un Sérum de Croissance des Cils Après une Extension de Cils ?

Eyelash extensions have become a popular choice for those who want longer, thicker, and more curled lashes without resorting to mascara. However, some people wonder about using an eyelash growth serum after getting extensions. This is a legitimate question, as serums are designed to strengthen natural lashes, while extensions add weight to existing lashes. Here’s a look at how these two products work together.

Eyelash Growth Serums: What Are They For?

Eyelash growth serums contain active ingredients that stimulate the growth of natural eyelashes, strengthen the structure of the eyelashes, and increase their thickness. These products are often used by people with thin or fragile eyelashes to restore their vigor. Their role is to promote a longer and denser growth cycle.

Eyelash Extensions: What Does It Involve?

Eyelash extensions are synthetic or natural fibers that are individually attached to your natural lashes using a special glue. This method allows you to instantly achieve fuller and longer lashes. However, this technique requires natural lashes that are strong enough to support the weight of the extensions without breaking or falling out prematurely.

Eyelash Growth Serum and Eyelash Extensions: Are They Compatible?

Yes, it is possible to use an eyelash growth serum after applying eyelash extensions. However, there are several precautions to take:

  1. Serum Formula : Make sure the serum you use is water-based and oil-free. Products that contain oil can weaken the glue used to attach the extensions, causing them to come off prematurely.

  2. Gentle Application : When applying the serum, it is essential to do so gently, focusing on the root of the natural lashes, and not directly on the extensions. This allows the active ingredients to nourish your natural lashes without affecting the attachment of the extensions.

  3. Strengthen Natural Lashes : Using a serum can be beneficial after eyelash extensions, as natural lashes tend to become more fragile under the weight of the extensions. A serum will help stimulate their growth and prevent them from weakening in the long term.

  4. Ask your Technician for advice : Everyone's eyelashes are different, and the condition of your natural eyelashes after an extension can vary. It is always recommended to consult a professional for advice tailored to your situation.

The Benefits of Using a Serum After Eyelash Extensions

  • Breakage Prevention : Serums strengthen the structure of your natural lashes, reducing the risk of breakage under the weight of the extensions.

  • Post-Extension Recovery : After removing your extensions, your natural lashes may appear thinner. Regular use of a growth serum will help speed up their recovery and regain their natural strength.

Potential Risks

  • Allergic Reactions : If you have sensitive skin or eyes, some ingredients in the serum may cause irritation. Be sure to do a sensitivity test before applying it regularly.

  • Fixation Deterioration : Using the wrong serum (especially oil-based ones) can alter the effectiveness of the glue used for extensions.


Using an eyelash growth serum after eyelash extensions can be a great way to strengthen and nourish your natural lashes, as long as you choose the right product and apply it correctly. A water-based, oil-free serum, combined with careful application, will help preserve your extensions while stimulating natural lash growth. Be sure to consult your eyelash extension technician to ensure that the serum you choose is compatible with your extensions.

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